Creative Drama
3 - 4 yrs/5 - 6 yrs/6 - 8 yrs
Performing with and in front of peers, enables us to mature at rates of which we were initially unaware. Jolly jokers is the youngest performance course. We choose age appropriate books, fairytales and text for the children to stage. In the first term, skills are honed, including vocal, expressive and social. Then we move into rehearsal period before performances at the end of term 2 and 3. Through the rehearsal period, as well as performances, the children learn vital skills, such as discipline and structure with a fun and entertaining environment.

3 - 5 yrs
Sing like no one is listening and dance like no one is watching. Showstoppers is a high energy, fun packed hour that works on basic vocal technique and dance steps. The process of Showstoppers builds up rhythm, physical timing, musical counts, expression and stage presence.

3 - 6 yrs
The perfect class for your tiny dancers. Whether they are a future prima ballerina or just want to have some creative, dancing fun then this class is perfect for them.

Shooting Stars
3 - 5 yrs
Shooting Stars combines Creative Drama and Music and aims at developing an understanding of the use of Music in Drama and Acting. We use music to enhance stories and literature and encourage the students to develop ideas and characters from what they hear and see. The class uses movement, drama and practical exercises in a fun and engaging environment developing creativity, confidence and communication skills through the use of literature, songs, popular books, role play and vocal games. Lots of fun and a great way to introduce the two streams of Drama and Musical Theatre at Evolve.

Musical Theatre
5 - 7 yrs
Sing like no one is listening and dance like no one is watching. The West End class is a high energy, fun packed 90 minute class that works on more technical vocal technique and dance steps. The process of West End builds further on knowledge of rhythm, physical timing, musical counts, expression and stage presence. West End is perfect for young people who still have a love for singing and dancing, for the confident and the not-so-confident to work collaboratively towards a product.